Saturday, August 15, 2009

Our Little Princess


{lindy baker cakes} said...

So cute!!!

Dear Brea,

I think you're so cute. I can't wait to play with you and slobber all over you.


The Bucks said...

Oh my goodness she is sooo adorable!! Can I come squeeze her?! Gosh you are going to get soo sick of me in a couple weeks when I am back and you cant get rid of me at your house!!! lol

Lindsay said...

sarah!!she is so cute and getting so big! Love that picture

Brooke said...

TOO CUTE!!! I love that little doll!

Kayla R. said...

She is so adorable!!!

Tiffany Clay and London said...

So cute !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest picture ever!!!

Melissa said...

She is so darling!! We for sure need to get together. We'll let the guys plan something since they have so much time on their hands (haha).