Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

So i got some pics so i thought i would post. I never have any pictures to post, but after our neighborhood halloween party i got a few good ones. Thanks to the Anderson's we had a fabulous halloween party, tons of food and lots of fun. Me and Justin are the worst at Halloween so we usually end up at WalMart or Savers the day of. I ended up borrowing a witch costume, and i am still not sure what Justin was. Some afro eighties guy i think????? Jay was hillarious as Michael Phelps and Sarah as a Gorilla, i wish we were that creative. I think the award of the night definately went to Joel who was dressed as Anna Nicole Smith, and made a really good Anna at that. Anyways i love all our neighbors and we had a great time, although i think i spent the majority of the party standing around the party eating, i guess being pregnant does that to you!! So speaking of pregnancy, i went to my appt today and i am as far a long as i thought, almost 12 weeks!! I had an ultrasound and we got to see the little Tyke, which everyone is convinced is a boy. The baby looked so big with its arms and legs and facial features. It was definately exciting to see it and see that everything was okay and that it had a good strong heart beat of 176 beats per minute!!! So i find out what i am having on Dec 3, we are pretty excited about that!!! Anyways, our scanner is not working right now, so i will try and post the pic of the baby tomorrow, its adorable!!! Justin and his brother got to play in a little concert and played a Cat Stevens song and they did a really good job, they play well together and it was to see them. Okay so thats it for now, not much going on, just working, sleeping, and eating and eating some more!!!

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