I've been tagged by Miss Lindy Baker:
Top 5 most embarrasing moments:
1) Well since i can't think of any right now i will add another one for Lindy when we were room mates. Lindy was trying to be conspicuous as she ran from the bathroom to her room after showering one day. So she peeks out the bathroom door and decides to make a run for it butt naked to her room. She runs out the door and in walks our other room mates boyfriend just in time to see Lindy mid action running butt naked to her room. Gosh i have a lot of funny stories about Lindy, wish i had more about myself!!!
2) Okay so here is one, i can't believe i am publicly admitting this. Well when me and Justin were dating i had fallen asleep at his house and then i woke up suddenly to an extremely loud noise and soon realized i had woken myself up by farting. I was so embarrased, because any one who knows me knows that i would never do that. I was trying to sneak out of the house as quiet as i could and later told Justin that he had done it and woke me up. He still thought that he had done it until probably like a year ago. I had called Lindy after in the middle of the night to tell her how mortified i was, i had to tell someone what a liar i was!!!
3) So some things i am now embarrased about that people remind that i said when i was little like asking my sister in law why her legs were so much bigger than my brothers or sitting on my dads friends lap and telling him he was funny looking with no hair on his head. Its funny how brutally honest kids can be, i swear i would never be that mean!!
I seriously can not think of any embarrasing moments. If i do, i will post it!!!
5 Most annoying moments:
1) When our dog ate a whole through a wall,or maybe when he ripped the edge of our carpet up, no i think maybe when he ate the antenna off my phone, or maybe the time when he decided to just pee on my comforter out of no where. Wow i just love the little hellian!!
2) When my brother Logan and me used to hate eachother and beat the crap out of eachother. He would always be driving me nuts, like singing obnoxious tunes in my ear, or putting itching powder in my bed at night so i was up scratching all night, or throwing forks across the room at my head. Oh the good old days, now we are best friends, i dont know how my mom survived us!!
3) Well i know i was a very annoying little girl, i wanted everyone to play with me. I would walk around to all my brothers and sisters friends and ask anyone to play cards with me. I would follow my sister everywhere and put on her bras and underwear over my clothes and drive them nuts.
4) Almost dying like everytime i stepped foot in Lindy's car. Whether it was her driving into a cement wall in the underground parking lot or driving down a one way street and realizing all the cars were coming straight at us!!!
5) When Box Elder beat us two years in a row in state for Drill Team. They seriously sucked and it made me so mad. We were region champs every year and they always beat us at state. Annoying!!!!!!
5 Happiest moments of my life:
1) Marrying Justin Floyd Wilde and dating.
2) Finding out I was pregnant and now seeing my baby
3) Graduating finally and passing the NCLEX
4) When Justin proposed at the Mt Timpanogas Temple
5) Memories of me and my friends through highschool and college days, they were the best.
5 Things people dont know about me:
1) The older i get the more impatient i get and the more of a perfectionist i become, i think i get it from my dad.
2) I am a total geek, i love to read and could stay home most nights and just read.
3) I hate being away from Justin, i get anxiety if he is leaving town or i am leaving. I dont know why, even if i am so mad at him i still don't like being alone.
4) I have always thought i was either going to die either in a plane crash or by a shark. Now i have a phobia of being out in the ocean.
5) I am the happiest hanging out with my hubby eating bean dip or hogi yogi yogurt or having a good night of card games with our neighbors.